
From polymeric networks to nanostructures: the challenges of the route between the laboratory and the prototype

PhD Cristina Hoppe  give a seminar for CIBION's Staff.

Cristina Hoppe, PhD in Materials Science (National University of Mar del Plata -UNMdP-) and scientist at the Institute for Research in Materials Science and Technology (INTEMA), visited CIBION on May 12 in order tto give a seminar for members of this institute.

The title of the seminar was “From polymeric networks to nanostructures: the challenges of the route between the laboratory and the prototype”.

During his speech, Hoppe introduced the INTEMA Nanostructured Polymers group and discussed general aspects of some of the current lines of research. In particular, she referred to the latest results obtained in the field of self-healing networks based on epoxy systems and their application in the field of adhesives, functional coatings, and high-performance composite materials.

Thus, the scientist problematized the growing increase in the consumption of plastic in areas such as packaging, construction, agriculture, furniture, medicine, consumer goods, among others, an increase that does not seem to stop, according to the latest projections. Polymers, she explained, have specific properties, different from other materials, that stem from their own molecular structure.


About the speaker

Cristina Hoppe has a degree in Chemistry and a PhD in Materials Science from the National University of Mar del Plata (UNMdP). Between 2004 and 2007, she carried out a postdoctoral stay in the Magnetism and Nanotechnology group of the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC), first financed by a grant from the Antorchas Foundation and later by a Marie Curie Incoming International Fellowship from the EU.

She currently works in the Nanostructured Polymers division of INTEMA as Principal Researcher of CONICET. Her lines of work are related to the design, synthesis and properties of functional materials based on polymeric networks and nanostructures. Some current lines: - Polymeric networks with dynamic covalent bonds; - Gels and porous polymeric networks; - Synthesis and crystal growth mechanisms of nanostructures; - Compatibilization and assembly of particles in polymeric matrices; -Micro and milliobjects obtained by milli and microfluidic techniques; -3D printing of hydrogels and photopolymerizable networks; -Photothermia of nanostructured systems.