The CIBION Spectroscopy Laboratory has two equipments:
UV-visible-NIR spectroscopy:
CIBION has a SHIMADZU UV-3600 UV-Vis-NIR spectrophotometer, with integrating sphere and temperature control.
This model is equipped with 3 detectors: a photomultiplier tube (PMT) for the ultraviolet and visible regions, and InGaAs and PbS detectors for the near infrared (NIR) region.
Spectral Range: 185 - 3300 nm
Resolution: 0.1nm
Sampling range: 0.01 - 5nm
Photometric range: -6 to 6 Abs
Photometric system: Double beam
Available accessories: integrating sphere and thermostatic cell.
Infrared Spectroscopy:
JASCO 4700 Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectrophotometer Spectral range: 7800 to 350 cm-1 Maximum resolution 0.4 cm-1
Available accessories: Diffuse reflectance. Single reflection ATR with ZnSe crystal. Cells for liquids.
- Transmission and Diffuse Reflectance Spectrums in UV-Visible -NIR and IR
- Reflectance Spectrums in Vis-NIR
Solid and liquid samples are received
Contact and scientific-technical manager:
Dr. Andrés Zelcer: