
A CIBION fellow won first prize at a Physicochemistry Congress

Luis Marcano received the award for best poster at the XXIII Argentine Congress of Physical Chemistry and Inorganic Chemistry.

Luis Marcano, doctoral fellow and member of the Fluorescent Probes group of the Bionanoscience Research Center (CIBION), attended the XXIII Argentine Congress of Physicochemistry and Inorganic Chemistry (XXIII CAFQI). His presentation won a prize for the best poster in the Physicochemical category in Technological Processes and Thermodynamics.

The XXIII CAFQI was held in El Calafate, Argentina, between April 11-14. During the event, Luis Marcano presented a poster where he showed the development of his doctoral thesis. The title of the project is “Assessment of molecular association in cellular environments from localization images of single molecules.”

The awarded work has as co-authors Dr. María Victoria Cappellari and Dr. Pedro Aramendía (Director of Luis's thesis), from CIBION, and the MSc. Megan Joseph and Dr. Sabrina Simoncelli from University College London (UCL). His research proposal is to determine the equilibrium constant of thermodynamic association of proteins in cells from the locations of bright spots measured by fluorescence microscopy.

“I feel very happy for having presented the work that we have developed. The results of the methodology in the study of this system are quite interesting. It would be lovely to be able to explore other systems. I take this opportunity to thank the Argentine Association of Physicochemical Research (AAIFQ) and CONICET, for allowing me to attend the congress, and CAFQI for awarding us 1st place in the category”, assured the fellow.