Bioanalytical Mass Spectrometry Group    ->   María Eugenia Monge, Ph.D.

Dra. Monge

Centro de Investigaciones en Bionanociencias
Godoy Cruz 2390, C1425FQD Buenos Aires, Argentina
T: +54 11 4899-5500 5614

Full list of publications




  • Analytical Chemistry
  • Analytical Mass Spectrometry (MS)
  • Metabolomics
  • Biomarker discovery for early disease diagnosis
  • Development of MS-based analytical methods
  • Ambient mass spectrometry
  • Atmospheric Chemistry
  • Pharmaceutical Chemistry
  • Tissue analysis


  • Mass Spectrometry
  • Liquid Chromatography
  • Multivariate Statistical Analysis (Chemometrics/Bioinformatics)


  • Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (UPLC-MS): Waters ACQUITY UPLC I-Class system coupled to a Xevo G2-S QTof mass spectrometer (Waters Corp., Manchester, UK).
  • High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (HPLC-MS): Waters ALLIANCE e2695 Separations Module coupled to 2998 Photodiode Array Detector and Waters SQ Detector 2, a bench-top quadrupole API mass spectrometer (Waters Corp., Manchester, UK).


  • Independent  Researcher of CONICET


  • Born on May 5th 1978 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • 2001 Chemistry Degree (Licenciada en Ciencias Químicas), School of Science (FCEN), University of Buenos Aires (UBA).
  • 2006 PhD in Chemistry. Inorganic, Analytical and Physical Chemistry Department, UBA. Advisor: Prof. R. Martín Negri.
  • 2007 Postdoctoral stance at Instituto de Biofísica de Palermo in the research group of Dr. Pier Luigi San Biagio, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Italy.
  • 2008-2011 Postdoctoral Research Fellow at IRCELYON in the research group of Dr. Christian George, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Lyon, France.
  • 2012-2013 Researche Scientist I at Georgia Institute of Technology in the research group of Prof. Facundo M. Fernández, Atlanta, USA.
  • 2014-Present. Head of the Mass Spectrometry Group at CIBION
  • 2015-Present  Scientific Officer of the  Mass Spectrometry  Facility at CIBION
  • 2019. Guest editor of the Journal Metabolites for the Special Issue "Mass Spectrometry-Based Metabolomics: Challenges and Applications".
  • 2019-Present  Member of the metabolomics Quality Assurance & Quality Control Consortium (mQACC).
  • 06/2019-07/2019:  Visiting Researcher at the research group of Dr. Christian George at IRCELYON-CNRS, France, in the frame of a MSCA-RISE Horizon2020 research project (no. 690958).
  • 2020  Editorial Board Member  of    GigaByte
  • Member of the Latin American Metabolic Profiling Society (LAMPS,


Interview to Dr. María Eugenia Monge in MetaboNews July 2022
Interview Noche Argentina de los Investigadores
Visit to the mass espectrometry lab at CIBION. Noche Europea de Los Investigadores
Interview. El Cronista newspaper. En búsqueda de la exactitud


International metabolomics  course CABBIO 2019 in CIBION.
Advance metabolomics course: Estudios metabolómicos no dirigidos (untargeted) empleando espectrometría de masas y resonancia magnética nuclear como plataformas analíticas.
International course CABBIO 2017
Invited Lecturer at I MetCore Metabolomics School  “Fundamentals and applications of mass spectrometry-based metabolomics”, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá,  Colombia. 2019.


Full list of publications