
Seminar about reflectometry

Andrés Zelcer gave a seminar about X-ray reflectometry and summarized the advantages and disadvantages of these techniques.

Andrés Zelcer, PhD in Chemistry and researcher in charge of the hybrid and structured nanomaterials laboratory of the Center for Research in Bionanosciences (CIBION), gave a seminar for the members of this institute on May 19. During his presentation, he reviewed some of the activities that he carries out with his work group.

The scientist explained that X-ray and neutron reflectometries are non-destructive techniques for the study of thin films and whose initial development accompanied that of the planar process for the production of integrated circuits. Currently, they are fundamental techniques for the study of various systems, particularly for soft matter.

During the seminar, Zelcer summarized the underlying principles of these techniques, elaborating on what information can be obtained, what types of samples can be measured, and showing some examples of their use.

The researcher summarized some advantages of these techniques. Some of them are linked to the fact that they are non-destructive, very precise, relatively fast methods that allow unexposed interfaces to be measured. However, there are also some disadvantages. For example, the need to use specialized equipment in the case of X-rays and a reactor in the case of neutrons, which is not useful for analyzing unknown samples, and which is only useful for thin films.

About the speaker

  • Andrés Zelcer is a doctor in chemistry and adjunct researcher at CONICET.
  • He is in charge of the CIBION hybrid and structured nanomaterials laboratory.
  • He is a regular adjunct professor at the School of Science and Technology (ECyT) of the University of San Martín.